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Valuation, inspection or survey?

As you know, the purchase of a property is likely to be most important financial transaction you will enter into. The paperwork which we, as your solicitors, will undertake only relates to title issues.

A brief history of nearly everything about social housing finance

The history of social housing finance makes interesting reading and we have been involved in its story since the early 1980s when we helped set up what is now one of the largest housing groups in the country.

Losses on asset values after death: the effect on inheritance tax and capital gains tax

One of the effects of the coronavirus pandemic is widespread economic volatility with the result that many people have watched their investments tumble in value over the past couple of months. These market swings will have particular resonance for executors dealing with the estates of the recently deceased.

Contested will cases UK 2020

2020 has been a year like no other and undoubtedly the major change in this area of law has been the amendment to the Wills Act 1837 which had been unchanged legislation for approaching 200 years.

Key characteristics of Limited Liability Partnerships

A Limited Liability Partnership (‘LLP’) is an alternative corporate business vehicle that combines the flexible structure of a partnership with the benefits for its partners (or “members”) of limited liability.

Diversification from non-core activities for housing providers

It is clear that the housing sector is facing uncertain times. The only certainty is that more will change. Housing providers are starting on a challenging journey of transformation.

Worked examples are an integral part of a contract

It is often the case that in contracts setting out the calculations governing various financial charges, the narrative within the body of the contract setting out such details are illustrated by the inclusion of worked examples in the appendices. Problems arise when the outcome of the calculations differ significantly between the worked examples and the narrative as a recent case demonstrated.

Varying a will after someone has died: what are the rules and how can I do it?

In these in uncertain times, more than ever, families may want to change the way an inheritance from a deceased relative or friend is divided

Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020

Much has been written and discussed about the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Bill 2020 since its publication in May 2020 and its passage through Parliament at break neck speed.

Ability for a landlord to recover insurance premiums

The recent case of Sadd v Brown highlights the need to ensure that a lease clearly and expressly states exactly what a landlord can recover as the courts will be reluctant to imply a term to cure what would otherwise be considered a defective lease.