Dispute resolution

Dispute resolution lawyers

Delivering solutions for leading global organisations to manage risk and resolve complex disputes

We understand that managing risk and disputes diverts valuable resource and time away from a business’ core objectives. Disputes can prohibit growth, expansion and ultimate success.

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Legal Articles
Operating incognito: how businesses should respond to the threat of deepfakes

With the rising number of scammers optimising the use of AI, Luke Moulton, Partner reviews the recent case that has hit headlines surrounding Incognito being defrauded by an impersonation scam utilising deepfakes and provides his advice for the best ways to protect yourself and your business.

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Published on 16 May 2024
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Legal Articles
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Open secrets: protecting intellectual property rights in the transforming world of work

For most of our working lives we have taken the office for granted: the commute, the meetings, the squeaky chairs, the coffee machine! The seismic disruption of the pandemic, global technology advancements and the climate crisis have completely transformed our idea of the office of the future.

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Published on 13 May 2024
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Legal Articles
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Protecting your business from ex-employees

People are a key business asset, but once the relationship with an employee or contractor ends they may become a liability, threatening the business’s continued success. The right to work does not outweigh the right to protect legitimate business interests, but employers need to properly use the available safeguards to ensure their enforceability.

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Published on 09 May 2024

Case Studies

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Case Studies
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Wright Hassall assists in dispute valued at over £500,000

In an ongoing unfair prejudice petition presented in the High Court, at extremely short notice we were instructed to prepare an Amended Points of Defence and Counterclaim together with a Witness Statement in support of the client’s application to amend his Points of Defence, less than a week before a hearing was listed to hear the application of the same.

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Published on 11 March 2024
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Case Studies
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Case settled by Wright Hassall team against professional sports team who sought to exploit patented technology without licence terms

We advised a leading engineering research and development business in connection with proceedings in the Intellectual Property Enterprise Court against a professional sports team which had sought to exploit the client’s patented technology without licence terms.

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Published on 11 March 2024