

People are a significant asset within any business and, like any asset, they need to be supported and managed effectively and efficiently.  We offer a flexible legal service that aims to revolve around your business needs.

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Mock Employment Tribunal 2024 Part 1: Tribunal Hearing

Join the Wright Hassall Employment Law team, in collaboration with St Philips Chambers, for their 2024 Mock Employment Tribunal event.

This is exclusive to our members. Login to unlock more details.

Published on 09 July 2024
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Legal Articles
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Schedules of Loss

Charlie Bass, Paralegal in our Employment Law team discusses what exactly a Schedule of Loss is, why it's important and what it entails.

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Published on 08 July 2024

Case Studies

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Case Studies
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Settlement Agreements: The Case of 'Mr A'

Often, we are approached by employers and employees to help negotiate the terms of a settlement agreement. Whilst it can be a daunting process, with the right guidance you can achieve the best outcome.

This is exclusive to our members. Login to unlock more details.

Published on 16 October 2023