Compliance & regulatory

Compliance & regulatory lawyers

We advise small, medium and large private and public bodies and advise on all aspects of data protection compliance, GDPR and information governance. As businesses are increasingly the subject of regulations, We also offer a specialist all round service for clients who may be faced with regulatory investigations.

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What is the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill?

The Data Protection and Digital Information Bill (No. 2) (Bill) was introduced to Parliament on 8 March 2023. The Bill is intended to reduce some of the burdens on businesses associated with the General Data Protection Regulation and to promote data-driven innovation.

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Published on 17 May 2024
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Does accessing personal data on your work device while abroad constitute an international transfer of personal data?

If your employees are regularly accessing work emails and documents while abroad, you need to be clear that any such activity does not constitute an international transfer of data. There is guidance to help you decide but ultimately all businesses should have clear rules about the access of work systems while overseas.

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Published on 09 February 2023
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Data Protection: security breach results in £4.4m fine for Interserve

The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO) has issued a fine of £4,400,000 to Interserve Group Ltd (Interserve) for breaching the GDPR after the personal data of up to 113,000 employees was affected due to a ransomware attack in 2020.

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Published on 24 November 2022
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Drone saboteurs

The field sport season is upon us once again, however last year’s Covid-enforced hiatus has given those who disagree with field sports, such as shooting and hunting, time to review their tactics and there are signs that they’re out in force. One particular change is the increased use of drones.

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Published on 15 November 2021