855 Results found containing:
"employment law"

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What's happening in UK immigration law and policy?

Against the background of a deepening health and economic crisis, there was surprise and criticism as the Government pressed ahead with the second reading of the Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Bill this week.

Law & Land autumn 2021: news roundup

Our autumn 2021 round up of news includes a brief note on changes to VAT, anti-pollution measures, available schemes to help BPS transition and lump sum exit schemes. We also mention a government consultation into the wider reintroduction of species formerly native to the UK – such as beavers.

Furloughing employees - FAQs - your questions answered

How to furlough employees is one of the most common questions we are being asked. Tina Chander and Joanne Duck from our employment law team answer the most frequently asked questions in our latest podcast.

Employment Related Securities reporting – ensuring AIM company compliance

Acquisitions by directors (including NEDs) and employees of shares in their employer (or a member of its group) must generally be reported to HMRC before 6 July following the end of the tax year in which they took place.

Tread carefully with 'no jab, no job' policies

Employers considering pursuing a no jab, no job policy for new employees are “entering danger-ous territory” according to a leading employment lawyer.

Paying employees statutory sick pay (SSP)

A common question asked to employment lawyers, is around the details of the statutory sick pay (“SSP”) scheme

Legal claims lost by negligent solicitors - how does the law assess the financial damage?

Legal claims for damages can be lost if they are not brought in time. Your solicitor should make sure that doesn’t happen, but what if they allow the claim to become time barred and you lose the chance to recover damages?

The WHorld of Law: The 5-point Plan for Immigration: What is the Potential Impact for Business Immigration?

In our latest podcast, Matthew Davies, Partner and Head of Business Immigration is joined by colleagues Stacey Lambert, Associate, Maha Ajaj, Paralegal and Dana Munteanu, Executive Assistant as they discuss the recent media frenzy surrounding net migration and the 5-point plan.

National Minimum wage, sleep-ins and on-call staff

Following Employment Tribunal decisions towards the end of 2017, it has been established that “sleep-ins” are covered by the National Minimum Wage (NMW) regulations.

Restrictive covenants: a guide to non-compete clauses around the world

In some jurisdictions, non-compete clauses are perceived as barriers to the entrepreneurial spirit driving economic recovery. In others, however, they are an essential part of many contracts of employment aimed to protect the former employer’s confidential information and customer relations.