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Rectification of wills

Solicitors specialising in contentious probate matters are often faced with disappointed beneficiaries who comment after seeing a will of a loved one that “those cannot be the wishes of the deceased”.

Inheritance Act 1975: what property is available for financial provision?

A person making an application for financial provision under the Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 (“the Act”) should first consider the value of the deceased’s net estate.

Consequences of making misrepresentations to your insurer

Historically insurance law was heavily weighted to insurers when it came to considering claims. They were able to walk away from claims for all sorts of unexpected reasons.

Coronavirus: commercial tenants protected from eviction

The Government has announced extra protection for businesses by placing a moratorium on commercial landlords’ sanctions for at least three months so that those who cannot pay their rent because of cashflow difficulties related to the coronavirus will be protected from eviction.

Transacting private company board meetings during lockdown

Coronavirus is causing untold difficulties and strain on the life of many businesses. As a result, boards of directors across the country are being asked many unexpected questions. Details of commercial contracts, employment and HR-related issues such as furlough, and the financing of a business are all high on the agenda.

Why an executor should seek professional advice when administering an estate

It is very common for those making a will to ask a responsible relative or friend to act as the executor of their will when they die. More often than not, people accept the request without really knowing what is involved in administering an estate nor the duties and legal responsibilities it entails.

Telecoms Code looks set to be tightened

In the wake of the pandemic, it comes as no surprise that the importance of extending and upgrading the mobile network has taken on a greater degree of urgency than ever before as has the need, in the government’s view, to address some of the flaws in the Electronics Communications Code.

How to recover money from a trust

It may be that you are the beneficiary of a trust, but that you are unclear whether you are entitled to receive anything from that trust.

The end of Ground Rent: Leasehold Reform (Ground Rent) Act 2022

Historically, ground rent was always a peppercorn, zero or nominal rent charged by freeholders (or landlords) as token consideration in order to form a binding contract.

Overage – what, why and how

There is no generally accepted definition of overage. Rather, it is a term used to describe a situation where a seller, in certain circumstances, is entitled to share in an increase in the value of land which is realised post completion of the sale.