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Closure of Geoffrey Parker Bourne Solicitors, Stratford upon Avon

The Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA) has intervened into the practice of Mr Simon Andrew Clive Newbold, Ms Zakia Khalid and Mr Roy George at GPB Solicitors LLP based at GPB House, Arden Court, Arden Street, Stratford-upon-Avon, CV37 6NT.

What is collaborative divorce?

Justin Creed, Family Lawyer explains what collaborative law is in the context of family law and divorce.

Guide to arbitration and divorce

Family law has undergone a quiet revolution over the last few years with the introduction of the single family court, the introduction of compulsory mediation, and the withdrawal of legal aid for the majority of cases.

Assuring your assured shorthold tenancy is compliant?

There are a number of steps you must take at the start of an assured shorthold tenancy if you want to be able to recover possession at the end of it:

Legal privilege - Keeping things private

Serious Fraud Office v Eurasian Natural Resources Corporation at appeal, in 2018.

How much does it cost to contest a will?

It is well known that any litigation is expensive and contesting a will is no different. If anything, inheritance claims can be more expensive than other forms of litigation due to the nature of the claim and the amount of work and investigation involved.

A guide to disclosure

A party to litigation has a duty to disclose certain documents that relate to the issues in the litigation and will be asked to sign a declaration to confirm that they understand their disclosure duties and that those duties have been complied with.

2019 Inheritance Act 1975 case round up

2019 has also seen some interesting developments in the context of Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependants) Act 1975 proceedings.

When I want to make a claim against my legal expense insurance, do I need to use one of the insurer’s panel solicitors?

You may be surprised to hear that if you want to use any legal expenses insurance cover to help you fund a legal case, the insurer cannot force you to use a solicitor of their choice.

Worked examples are an integral part of a contract

It is often the case that in contracts setting out the calculations governing various financial charges, the narrative within the body of the contract setting out such details are illustrated by the inclusion of worked examples in the appendices. Problems arise when the outcome of the calculations differ significantly between the worked examples and the narrative as a recent case demonstrated.