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IR35 and off-payroll working
Off-payroll working rules (often known as IR35) was introduced to address a form of perceived tax avoidance where individuals could seek to avoid paying employee income tax and national insurance contributions (NICs) by providing their services to clients through an intermediary, such as a personal service company (PSC).
To increase compliance with IR35 from April 2021, all medium and large private sector businesses which engage individuals through intermediaries will be responsible for determining if the individual should be considered an ‘employee’ for tax purposes.
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What is IR35?
Off-payroll working rules (often known as IR35) was introduced to address a form of perceived tax avoidance where individuals could seek to avoid paying employee income tax and national insurance contributions (NICs) by providing their services to clients through an intermediary, such as a personal service company (PSC).
To increase compliance with IR35 from April 2021, all medium and large private sector businesses which engage individuals through intermediaries will be responsible for determining if the individual should be considered an ‘employee’ for tax purposes. If an individual is an ‘employee’ for tax purposes the company will be responsible for income tax and NICs. This brings the private sector in line with the public sector which has been subject to these IR35 determination rules since April 2017. It was estimated by HMRC that the public sector reform raised £550 million in income tax and NICs in the first year.
Who will be affected?
Medium and large private sector clients will be affected by the changes to IR35. It is important to note that the changes will not apply to clients which are small businesses. The precise test will be set once the Finance Bill 2019 has been finalised and passed as an Act. Essentially, the current proposal is that a business will be exempt if two or more of the following criteria are satisfied:
- Its annual turnover is not more than £10.2 million;
- Its balance sheet total is not more than £5.1 million; and / or
- It’s number of employees is not more than 50.
There are other rules for determining when non-corporate entities are small.
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How we can help
We advise small, medium and large private and public bodies on all aspects of IR35 compliance, including;
- Assessment of current contractor arrangements and the applicability of IR35;
- Implementing and or reviewing policies and procedures for IR35 and how to make IR35 determinations;
- Dealing with challenges to IR35 determinations; and
- Contracts, including reviewing current arrangements and drafting new bespoke agreements.
When does IR35 determination requirements apply?
In simple terms, IR35 will apply when two elements are satisfied:
- the managed service company rules do not apply; and
- a contractor is considered an ‘employee’ for tax purposes.
The rules essentially seek to ensure that two individuals working in the same or similar ways will pay the same or very similar income tax and NICs, even if one is engaged via an intermediary.
In respect of the first element, the managed service company rules are only engaged where such managed service company (the intermediary) is managed by a scheme provider and the relevant individual does not exercise control over such company.
In relation to the second element, there are several factors which indicate whether there is an employment relationship (rather than a consultant or self-employed relationship). In summary, IR35 includes the application of four main principles to determine an individual’s employment status:
- Control: What degree of control the client has over the individual (e.g. what, how, when and where they work);
- Substitution: If there is a personal service requirement or if a substitute can be sent;
- Financial risk: What degree of financial risk there is for the individual (e.g. if fees are contingent on a particular outcome); and
- Mutuality of obligation: If there is an obligation to provide work and for it to be accepted. There are several other factors which would also need to be considered including benefits, integration with the client, provision of equipment and the contract type.
What is the effect of IR35?
The requirements from April 2021 include:
- making a determination of an individual’s status for tax purposes;
- communicating the determination; and
- making deductions for income tax and NIC and paying any employer NICs.
Businesses will need to make the status determination and communicate it by the time the contract starts or before any services are provided.
Importantly, if a business fails to undertake a determination or provide reasons in the timescales, the liability for income tax and NICs will transfer to that business until the determination is completed or the reasons are given.
What can be done to prepare?
In its consultation document, HMRC issued a warning to businesses not to delay in preparing for changes to the IR35 rules. The draft Finance Bill was issued in July which will ensure the reforms are implemented from April next year.
Businesses should therefore start taking steps now to prepare, including:
- assessing what use is made of contractors and if they are engaged through intermediaries;
- assessing if IR35 will apply and when relevant considering whether the small company exemption applies;
- reviewing any current contracts and considering the tax status of individual contractors’ from April 2021;
- deciding what approach will be taken regarding contractors caught by the IR35 rules (e.g. whether the client will absorb this additional cost or share the burden with the PSC via the renegotiation of fees);
- considering if a 5% allowance currently available would apply for the off-payroll working rules to reflect the costs of administering them. This could be available because responsibility is shifting from intermediaries to the business. This allowance will be removed for those engagements with medium and large-sized organisations. It will continue to be available for engagements with small organisations;
- reviewing internal systems, such as payroll software, process maps, HR and any existing on-boarding policies to see if any changes need to be made;
- implementing suitable policies and joined-up processes to ensure engagement or on-boarding of new contractors includes an appropriate IR35 assessment prior to engagement (it is important to show evidence of a clear assessment process);
- ensuring that different departments communicate and assess roles from a procurement, HR, tax and line management perspective for consistent decisions about the employment status of the individuals that are engaged;
- ensuring new contracts are appropriately drafted to reflect IR35 requirements and to include appropriate IR35 indemnities;
- identifying a legal adviser who can advise on IR35, support with reviewing contracts, drafting and the preparation exercise generally; and
- making provision to process income tax and NICs (including employer NICs) through PAYE if IR35 is engaged.
- What are the IR35 rules?
- When does IR35 start?
- Why was IR35 introduced?
- Is IR35 the end of contracting?
- How does IR35 effect contractors?
- Will IR35 be delayed?
- Is there an IR35 calculator?
- Will IR35 hit the private sector?
- What does IR35 mean for employers?
- What do I do if IR35 applies?
- What does IR35 mean?
- How common are IR35 investigations?
- Are umbrella companies IR35?
- Does IR35 apply to charities?
- Can IR35 be backdated?
- How can IR35 be avoided by contractors?
- What is the risk of IR35?