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Jeanette Whyman

Partner - Head of Medical Negligence

Jeanette is head of the medical compensation team, specialising in medical negligence and personal injury claims.

She is very compassionate and very easy to talk to." She boasts a broad practice, recently advising on group actions involving cancer treatment and obstetric claims.

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  • Care of the elderly: Acted against a nursing home for poor care of an elderly resident resulting in her death
  • Hospital claims: Advised the family of a teenage girl who starved to death after doctors failed to give her a life-saving drip. A five-figure settlement was secured.
  • Action against East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust: Our client underwent a hip replacement operation in 2008 following which the hip was painful and regularly dislocated. On being reviewed by a new consultant in 2008 he was diagnosed with a malposition of the pelvic part of the prosthesis which caused  the dislocation of the joint. He therefore underwent a further hip replacement operation to replace the prosthesis which relieved the pain and has not suffered any further dislocation. Liability was not admitted but offers were made and the matter was subsequently settled. He was awarded a five figure sum.
  • Action Queens Medical Centre, Nottingham: Our client was a self-employed boiler maker who, after suffering considerable pain in his elbow (due to the manual nature of his work), agreed to undergo an operation on the advice of a respected orthopaedic surgeon. Prior to the operation, the surgeon failed to give our client the range of options open to him (of which the operation he underwent was just one) and failed to outline the risks associated with surgery i.e. that it might not work , nor did the surgeon inform him that the recovery period was likely to be extensive. In the event, our clients condition deteriorated causing him further pain.  The case was settled in our client’s favour and damages for pain and loss of wages were made.
  • Action against Stratford Dermotherapy Clinic: Our client suffered significant scarring to her chest as a child, a fact she had learnt to accept. As an adult, she was persuaded by a doctor at Stratford Dermotherapy Clinic that laser and cell regeneration type plastic surgery to the neck and chest would reduce the appearance of the scarring and help rejuvenate the skin. The result was quite the opposite: the treatment caused further scarring to the chest area due to the negligent approach of the practitioner. The Clinic admitted liability and the case was settled in our client’s favour.
  • Dental negligence claims: Acted against a dentist for negligent cosmetic dentistry of most of the client’s teeth requiring removal and replacement of all dental implants.
  • Surgery claims: Acted for a client after she underwent a hip replacement operation. The operation was not carried out to a reasonable standard of care and resulted in soft tissue trauma which caused significant and permanent damage.
  • Misdiagnosis claims: Acted against a hospital for an unnecessary brain operation resulting in brain damage to the client.


Jeanette trained at Wards Solicitors in Bristol before specialising in defendant personal injury and clinical negligence working for Hempsons and Weightmans. She joined WH in 2004 to change practice to claimant personal injury and clinical negligence, heading up the department in 2005 and  becoming a partner in 2009.



In her spare time Jeanette enjoys foreign travel and organic cookery.

Jeanette Whyman is a well-established figure in the clinical negligence field.

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Abigail Boeuf Senior Paralegal