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Logistics and supply chain

Changing business models, new technology and increasing consumer demand are forcing rapid changes to the way logistics services are procured and supplied.


We have a broad range of experience in providing advice to healthcare providers, including medical centres, GP practices, dental and pharmacy practices.

Insolvency & restructuring

As well as advising on formal insolvency proceedings, the team has experience in advising on all aspects of restructuring, turnaround and refinancing.

Governance & regulatory

Our corporate governance lawyers work with clients across the public and private sector to ensure that they meet their governance and regulatory requirements.

Social housing

Our social housing team operates at the sector’s coalface.

Care homes

Our health & social care team provides practical, expert advice to residential care providers, whether small/ medium sized care providers or care home operators with multi-site portfolios.

Research and Development (R&D) tax relief

The research and development tax relief is a government scheme which rewards companies that invest in innovations.

Commercial contracts

Our commercial lawyers are specialists with a wealth of varied industry and sector experience, gained both in private practice and in industry.

Joint venture disputes

Disputes over joint ventures are different to many other corporate disputes. If there is a Joint Venture Agreement, the parties to a joint venture may be in dispute over its terms.