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Changes to permitted development rights for agricultural buildings

On Monday 5 March, Dominic Raab, the Housing Minister, announced changes to permitted development rights which will allow up to five new homes to be built from an existing agricultural building, which represents a change from the current limit of three.

Pregnancy redundancy protection

A law change which will extend redundancy protection for employees who are pregnant or returning from maternity, adoption or shared parental leave could reduce discrimination towards new and expectant parents, says a leading employment law expert.

TUPE transfers and a single employee

In Seawell Ltd v Ceva Freight (UK) Ltd the Employment Appeals Tribunal (EAT) considered whether a single employee who spent all of his time working on a contract for a client was an "organised grouping of employees" for the purposes of a TUPE transfer and the service provision change test.

Furloughing employees - FAQs - your questions answered

How to furlough employees is one of the most common questions we are being asked. Tina Chander and Joanne Duck from our employment law team answer the most frequently asked questions in our latest podcast.

Is the legal effect of an email signature the same as signing a letter, a contract or a guarantee?

In business we all send many emails every day. Amongst the thousands of emails we send and receive every year, some may form contracts, some may be intended to change existing contractual arrangements and some may be guaranteeing obligations of third parties.

Major changes to family law system to help victims of domestic abuse

Against a backdrop of a wider court reform programme, the government has just announced (in June 2020) a radical change to the family justice system following the conclusion of a year-long review by an expert panel commissioned by the Ministry of Justice.

What are the revised Family Procedure Rules 2010?

The recent amendments to the Family Procedure Rules 2010 (effective as of 29th April), mark a significant change to conventional approaches to dispute resolution in family matters. With a pronounced emphasis on mediation and other non court dispute resolution methods (NCDR), these changes herald a new era of resolving familial disputes.

Valuers' margin of error and lenders’ contributory negligence

In valuer claims, what margin of error is allowed before a valuation is negligently wrong? Also, what type of lending practices do the courts consider negligent?

Solar farms and diversification

A lot has changed in the world of renewable energy since the National Policy Statement for Renewable Energy Infrastructure (EN-3) was originally presented to Parliament in 2011 under the Planning Act 2008. There is increased concern about the impact of climate change and the government has a renewed commitment to net zero.

Drone saboteurs

The field sport season is upon us once again, however last year’s Covid-enforced hiatus has given those who disagree with field sports, such as shooting and hunting, time to review their tactics and there are signs that they’re out in force. One particular change is the increased use of drones.